Why Your Sales Team Needs to Start Using Salesforce Opportunity Teams

Companies that promote collaboration are five times as likely to perform at a high level. For lonely cubicle-dwellers, this statistic

2 min. read

Companies that promote collaboration are five times as likely to perform at a high level. For lonely cubicle-dwellers, this statistic is probably pretty validating: The belief in the power of working together now has scientific backing.

And, yes, that even applies to sales teams.

Often seen as solitary hunters, salespeople stand to benefit from consistent collaboration just as much as their non-sales counterparts. If your sales team is being held back by a siloed approach, don’t freak out. Salesforce opportunity teams — the ability to associate multiple Salesforce users with a particular record — empower your people to join forces in a simple, structured way.

Here are three ways how:

1. Salesforce opportunity teams empower salespeople to open their records.

In most sales processes, every lead is owned by a particular salesperson. And if the relevant data pertaining to that lead is stored in a spreadsheet, it’s probably pretty well hidden. But just because a lead has one owner doesn’t mean it’s only of interest to that one person. Sometimes it becomes necessary to pull in experts from across the company to close a sale. And in the case of an emergency, another salesperson might have to step up and pinch-hit.

In these instances, it’s important that the right data is made available to the right people. Thankfully, Salesforce opportunity teams make it easy.

With opportunity teams, Salesforce users can effectively “open” the records that they own, granting customized read/write access to other users in a matter of seconds. These newly added users can then be assigned to pre-designed roles that align with your company’s organizational structure. If your team has been well educated on the responsibilities associated with these roles, they’ll know what to do as soon as they see a new assignment.

In other words: fewer silos, more getting stuff done.

2. Salesforce opportunity teams provide valuable data visibility.

From a reporting perspective, opportunity teams present major advantages to both salespeople and managers.

For salespeople, seeing every record they’re involved with in one place — and not just the ones they own — can help them make sure nothing falls through the cracks. Which leads need their immediate attention, and which ones can wait? Is a particular salesperson running the show here, or just offering support? Now they’ve got answers.

On the other side, sales managers will be able to keep better track of their team’s availability. Who’s swamped and needs help? Who needs something to do? The data visibility that opportunity teams provide can help team leads make valuable resourcing decisions.

3. Salesforce opportunity teams make commission splits easy.

Even many of the most collaborative of sales teams still rely on a commission-based structure. That’s why opportunity teams make matters of money easier, too.

With opportunity splits, a Salesforce user can divide commission percentages among members of an opportunity team — and the system will automatically calculate appropriate dollar figures. This way, everybody can get on the same page with up-to-date information. No ambiguity, no issues.

Think your sales team could benefit from a better way to collaborate? Consider reaching out to an expert. They’ll be able to help you figure out a way forward that makes the most sense for your company.



Danielle Sutton

Let's Work Together